A shiny white marble, so clear and so white,
A reflector of beauty when beauty ‘s in sight
Like dew drops on pearls, when sadness it sees,
That flow down on faces, like sap on the trees.
But also with happiness there is a warm glow,
When God places before it, an Angel below.
But it captures most of all,
That gift from above,
That wonderous mystery, we call love.
We express it in poetry, and sometimes in prose,
It fills us with joy, as a beautiful red rose.
Pity the blind one you will say,
For he cannot share
All that is before him, that is beautiful and rare.
How awful it must be, when one cannot see,
All that God created for us,
The sun, the earth and the sea.
But fear not,
There is another orb He gave us all
God gave it to us at birth,
It’s our immortal soul.
So look to heaven with that gift so grand,
And remember,
We will see him, and He us
When before Him we stand.
Written in 1954
Amended version-8/30/13