
A ‘Fake it Till You Make it’ Poem-“Facade”

She walks down the crowded street
Dodging faceless people
Needing to push on
To be somewhere on time.

She needs to have somewhere to be
She can create some wheres
But not no-wheres
The no-wheres happen unwillingly,
They are hollow.
She motors between people
As if the destination is important
Racing against time.

Everything needs to be attached to a time
It’s easier that way
to follow every day.
Yet, off in a far away place

is a place where the day will follow her
But not now
Down the road….
assuming the road will always be there.
Time can’t be frozen
But she is frozen in time.
Not immobile…
Frozen movement.

It’s a shadow walk
Her light is not illuminating
It’s dim….below layers of skin.
She knows it’s there
It has shone brighter
It will again….
Down the road.

It’s like turning herself inside out
Deciding if what’s inside
should emerge..
Or…if better left dormant,
for now.
It always comes out sooner or later
but fear or courage; pain or gain
will dictate.

Like words, they are ready when they can be put together
to create or emulate
Broken…they are mere words.

She loves words
They have flexibility
play room
Powerful creations

She can hide the broken parts of herself
Under a strong facade,
Using wordplay
And the shadow walk
To coast for a while.

She knows she can’t stay in that place
When it’s time to move on
To mend brokenness
Lose the facade……….

Then emerge, once again
Turned inside out
With stronger skin
Path illuminated
In control of time.

The facade will be real
Until it finally disappears

……down the road.


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