
A Poem “Mother”- A Cinderella Story

I bounced around inside of you
You kept me safe from harm,
Next you towered over me
Still I found safety in your arms.

For a while I wanted to be
Wherever you stopped to rest
Still seeking out your lap
Feeling secure within the nest.

By the time I reached the table top

I could see the patterns that you cut
To sew yourself a gown to wear
For a rare Saturday night out.

I remember Cinderella
In a beautifully made long dress
I was in awe of your beauty
Knowing you’d outdo all the rest.

As we went through different stages
I saw more of the depth inside
The mother, wife and daughter
The human being, and still, my guide.

Of course we had the normal
Parent-child chats and spats
But we grew beyond that to a place
That was so much more relaxed.

And on we both grew further
Into roles reflecting age
As I became a mother
While you, at the grandmother stage.

I’ve watched as you have grown
Into a woman I only dare to be
And still I know your lap and arms
Are always there for me.

Thank you for living your life
In a way that defines for me
What a mother truly is
And all that one should be.

Written 01/07/2017


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