
“The Most Precious Thing” – A Poem by Sid Spano- Happy Birthday Dad! I Love You!

My son was made a bishop
And he came to visit one day,
I want to show you my ring, he said,
If I may.

Did you ever see anything,
As precious as this Holy thing?
But Momma then extended her hand,
And showed me a more precious band,
Her wedding ring. Continue reading ““The Most Precious Thing” – A Poem by Sid Spano- Happy Birthday Dad! I Love You!”

A Poem About Hope-“The Promise”

Where are you going little girl?
You look lost
Did you lose something?
Are you looking for a path to somewhere?

You look frightened
Did you lose your parents?
Do you have any sisters or brothers?
What about friends?

You’re far too young to be all alone
Especially in the woods Continue reading “A Poem About Hope-“The Promise””

About Adam

Adam is my twin son that passed away when he was only 13 days old. I have several poems I’ve written for him over the years, especially around his Birthday, so I will be posting more of them as time goes on.
I gave birth to Adam and Matt, pre-maturely, at 24 weeks. Matt was in the NICU for 3 months following, and with his brother’s help, made it over every hurdle that faced him. Matt has no repercussions from his early birth.  He is 20 years old now, very happy and healthy, and a blessing to me; as was his brother.
To say Adam’s passing has been the most difficult, life-changing experience of my life, would be a gross understatement. That said, however bittersweet it may be, Matt and Adam are two miracles God granted to me, and to the world, and I am forever grateful.